Love In Kilnerry (2022)
1h 40min | English | Comedy
Worldwide Distribution
PLOT: The elderly residents of a small remote town panic when the EPA announces mandatory changes to their chemical plant could cause a dramatic increase in sexual libido. The local sheriff tries to maintain order and decency but mayhem ensues.

Originally a play based in Ireland, Love In Kilnerry was written Daniel Keith and worked shopped at Manhattan Theater Club for most of 2016. It was later Americanized into a screenplay and put into production in Portsmouth, NH. During the pandemic of 2020, the movie was awarded 45 awards and 27 nominations from international film festivals. Love in Kilnerry was the longest running comedy in theaters for 21 weeks and ranked #11 in the country on Rotten Tomatoes for Most Popular Comedies at Home its first week for sale. Opens worldwide on iTunes January 10, 2023.
Kilnerry Day is every April 9 in Portsmouth, NH. Kilnerry, NH, can now be found on Google Maps.
Metaskye released over 10,000 Kilnerry NFTs on November 10, 2022.